Thursday, June 21, 2007

Having fun with The Babies!!!

Adon Lavell almost 9 mo.
Thanks for letting me use your cool hat Kelsey;-)
Alexis Paige almost 3 mo.
What a dolly;-)
Alexis with Adon's frog Gurgle.
Adon wearing one of Great Grandpa
Collett's Cowboy hats.
Sweet boy.
Cousins forever. Adon was
having fun....Alexis....not so

Adon is almost 9 months old and Alexis is almost 3 months old. They bring so much cute-ness to our lives and just a joy to have around. This day Carly and Marcy and Auntie Kadie and Grammie Donetta had fun posing the babies and taking pictures. Can't ever have enough pictures. The babies were good sports for the most part. Alexis in the glasses....she is not a happy girl. The Cowboy hat that Adon is wearing is one of Great Grandpa Collett's old hats. And the picture of Alexis with Gurgle the frog.......She does have a diaper on;-0

1 comment:

Marcy said...

Oh What cute kids!!! I told you I would comment :)