Thursday, October 30, 2008

Grandsons are little boy Angels!

A long time ago I remember a Kodak commercial for some reason. Someone had taken just pictures that didn't turn out or something and a little girl asked what the pictures were of and the person said "angels" and the little girl asked "what kind of angels?" and the person said "oh. girl angels and boy angels." and the little girl said "I've never seen any boy angels!" It was way cute. But I know many boy angels through my life and they include our three little grandson. Papa Herald and the boys;]

Collin looks so grown up sitting by the pumpkins...he has a smile that just melts me.

Ethan looks a little confused but this little guy is at such a fun and busy stage....he just beams when you have his attention:]

Adon.....our first grandson just wins my heart over again.....:D

These are our little angel grandsons!

1 comment:

Marcy said...

Adon and Collin look alot alike in these pictures I think...cute boys