Niece Elliot
Collett and Roy
Buckmaster were sealed in the Portland Oregon temple, July 23, 2010. I was thrilled to be there and be with my family for this beautiful wedding.

This is when they came out of the temple. Such a beautiful couple...they are so cute together....seem to balance out each other perfectly. The ceremony was nice a room full of family and friends. They will always have a story to tell their children...the story of someone not remembering the ring:)....just added to the wonderful day I say:)

These are the brides maids waiting for the bride and groom...as usual I kinda have
pictures backwards...Portland with perfect weather. I need to get names of all these beauties...Alexis

The grooms men and Little bro (nephew)
Zachaery...He seemed to really enjoy being part of the wedding party...what a good
lookin kid!

Of all the pictures I got I cant believe I never got a picture of Tracy and Susan (my brother and sister in law-parents of the bride) CR and Wanda, me Randy and Jay outside the beautiful Portland temple...should have gotten more
pictures of the grounds...very nice.
Great pictures!! What a beautiful Temple and wedding :)
Donetta, what great pictures! You have pictures up of my wedding but I don't have any on my own blog! Haha! You're so great, I'm SOOO happy you were there! Love ya!
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