Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ryan Kimball Egbert #25

Ryan Kimball Egbert Born November 2, 1985 celebrated #25 with his family.

Ryan is a wonderful son and I'm so proud to be his mom. He keeps life up beat and has a fun sense for life:)

Our family was able to gather on Wed. to have a traditional dinner of steak and fettucini.....we were wondering how many year he had had that same birthday dinner and he use to always get new basketball shoes but no shoes this year. Heather made him a cake and the boys helped out with the candles a couple of times!
Attending were G&G Egbert Herald, Carly, Adon, Collin, Ryan, Heather, Kelsey, Joel B.....and me. It is always fun to get together.....Happy Happy Birthday Ryan K.

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